Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lose Belly Fat With These Summer Drinks

Summertime is approaching and it’s time to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach to look fit for the beach. There is nothing more fulfilling than cooling off with a nice drink that will help you lose pounds of belly fat and quench your thirst at the same time. Try out these belly fat blasting drinks this summer combined with exercise to get those 6 pack abs today. 

Green Tea
Green tea contains catechins which are antioxidants that are proven to help reduce belly fat. Drinking green tea before a workout can help you burn fat faster during aerobic exercise such as jogging. 

Belly Fat Drink – Peppermint Tea
This tea is very refreshing and an excellent belly fat eliminator. Peppermint assists the stomach in processing fat, ensuring even high fat foods like steaks and burgers are digested quickly, which helps prevent bloat. 

Dark Chocolate Shake
Dark chocolate can help you lose weight because it suppresses your appetite and lessens food cravings overall. You can have one of these for breakfast to control your appetite for hours. 

Watermelon Smoothie
Smoothies that are sugar free plus a great way to stay hydrated and stay healthy at the same time. Watermelon is a great choice because it’s low in calories. According to the Journal of Nutrition, watermelon contains arginine, which can decrease body fat and increase lean muscle mass. 

Pineapple Frappe
This delicious pineapple drink tastes like paradise in a glass and includes two belly fat fighting ingredients. One tablespoon of flaxseed oil adds monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), proven belly fat blasters, and pineapple itself contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps break down protein, banish bloat, and ease digestion. 

Although these drinks will help you lose belly fat and encourage weight loss, you should always exercise daily and follow a healthy diet plan for best results. Supplements are only temporary and you still have to include diet and physical activity to keep the weight off. If you are new to weight loss you should consult with your physician first to make sure you are healthy to start a new diet and exercise routine. 

Lose Stomach Fat by Jogging

Lose stomach fat or reduce belly fat faster by jogging instead of weight lifting researchers say. Apparently, aerobic exercise is better than resistance training according to a recent study. An eight month study compared the effectiveness of aerobic exercise (jogging), resistance training (weight lifting) and a combination of both in 196 overweight, sedentary adults from ages 18-70.

 The individuals in the aerobic group did the equivalent of 12 miles of jogging per week at an 80 percent heart rate, while the resistance group did three sets of eight to 12 repetitions three times a week.

 The Duke University Medical Center researchers examined how these types of exercises reduced the fat that’s deep within the abdomen and fills the spaces between internal organs. This type of fat, called visceral and liver fat, is associated with increased risk of disease, diabetes and certain types of cancers.

 Aerobic exercises greatly reduced stomach fat (visceral fat) and improved risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, such as insulin resistance, liver enzymes and triglyceride levels. However, resistance training didn’t influence these benefits. Aerobic exercises combined with resistance training achieved results similar to aerobic exercise alone, the investigators discovered.

 According to lead author and exercise physiologist Chris Slentz who spoke in a Duke news release, “resistance training is great for improving strength and increasing lean body mass.” “But if you are overweight, which 2/3 of the population is, and you want to lose belly fat or stomach fat, aerobic exercise is the better alternative because it burns more calories.” You will lose even more calories if you maintain a healthy diet and keep your metabolism going with foods such as whole grains and fish that boost your metabolism. If you are new to weight loss and want to lose stomach fat you can start of by walking then advance to jogging when you get the energy. My favorite cardio exercises are running and boxing since they seem to burn the most calories and boxing is my favorite sport. Boxing builds endurance, speed, agility and stamina which make it one of the best sports for cardio.

 This study was published in the August 25 issue of the American Journal of Physiology.

 Make it your next to goal to start your aerobic exercise routine today to lose stomach fat and improve your health today. Don’t forget to consult with your doctor before beginning any weight loss plan to make sure it is safe plus get more tips on how to lose stomach fat.

lose stomach fat

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Weight Loss Secrets to Eliminate Belly Fat

Aerobic activity also known as cardio, is the best exercise to lose weight and belly fat because it gets your heart beating faster than normal, causing you to breathe harder, lose fat and increase the amount of oxygen delivered to the muscles. Aerobic exercise will also decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other cancers. An adult should perform at least 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity every week to benefit from the effects of cardio. 

A great way to begin your cardio routine is to try an indoor cycling class. This is a safe, low-impact form of cardio that’s easy on the knees. If you begin working out on a cycling bike, and your working hard, really sweating, remember to add electrolytes to your water or eat a banana which contains potassium. You can burn an average of 600-800 calories in a single 45 minute cycling class. 

Determination and Energy to Lose Belly Fat

When it comes to losing weight and reducing belly fat you must be determined and know your worth. Make a realistic goal that you can achieve and visualize your success. Give yourself good compliments everyday to stay motivated. Energy is very important and it comes from being positive in your life. Eat three balanced meals and drink plenty of water to stay energized throughout the day. 


Maintaining flexibility, especially as you get older, is very important for your overall health, increasing the range of motion throughout your joints. Learn these easy stretches to improve your flexibility:

·       Lace your fingers together and stretch them towards the sky slowly, palms up, while inhaling and exhaling. 

·       Stretch your hamstrings while on an indoor stationary bike by slightly bending both legs and leaning over the handlebars. 

Repeat each stretch 3 to 4 times, holding each for about 30 seconds a piece. 

Stretching cold muscles can damage them so make sure you warm up for five to ten minutes.

Hot Tea

When you drink hot tea 20 minutes before your meal you can control your portions and consume fewer calories. A German study found that Chinese white tea reduces growth of new fats cells and breaks down fat contained in existing cells. Do not make your tea a latte, because the proteins in cow milk neutralize the tea’s fat fighting ability and its cholesterol blocking properties. 

Ice Water

Drinking cold ice water can help reduce calories because the body uses energy to heat up the water to obtain proper hydration. Metabolically, heating water burns calories. You can burn an average of 50 to 100 calories per day by drinking 4 to 8 cups of ice water. Another German study found that drinking about 2 extra glasses of water daily can boost your metabolism by 30 percent. 

Jumping Jack and Jims

Jumping jacks are among the best forms of calisthenics – repetitive movements that use your own body to build strength. Jumping Jims can target your oblique muscles. 

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid occurs when you work out really hard and when you enter into your anaerobic zone; you no longer have enough oxygen to create energy. Little energy factors in your brain cells, mitochondria, burn carbohydrates. When they do that without oxygen, the by-product is lactic acid which builds up in your muscles. This is the reason why you get that burn when you are working out hard but the lactic acid is flushed out of your system within an hour. 


Consuming the correct amounts and types of nutrition is the key to weight loss. I usually eat whole grains, fish and lean white meats to boost my metabolism and help me burn calories. Six small meals a day keeps your metabolism going throughout the day to help you burn fat. 

Family Fitness

Working out as a family or participating in team sports can be fun and motivational instead of watching T.V at home all day. Sixty minutes of exercise each day can help lose weight, build stronger bones, build muscle, help your kids sleep better and reduce stress at school. 

Zero Excuses!

When it comes to weight loss or losing belly fat, you must put all those excuses to the side and take action. 

Start off by walking with a friend and make small changes to your diet today and become a healthier person tomorrow.